Just putting some of my ideas out there in case they can help someone:
Our path:
- Daily 1+ hr weight training & daily bike riding ceased
- cat allergy causes congestion, blocks nasal passages
- Obstructive Sleep Apnea diagnosed, temporary treatment with CPAP, discontinued after a couple years
- Unidentified lactose intolerance, onset/worsening after heavy anti-biotic to treat cat bite
- Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) – treated once, not retested, often recurrent or misdiagnosed as IBS
- Abdominal pain – diagnosed IBS, did not alter eating (high protein, fat, fried & processed foods, low intake of fruits, veg & whole grains)
- Continued pain – ultrasound finds Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) – supposedly not painful
- CT scan with oral & iv contrast only found a tiny inguinal hernia – supposedly too small to be painful (stuff can be missed though: https://clinicalimagingscience.org/the-back-alleys-and-dark-corners-of-abdomen-and-pelvis-computed-tomography-the-most-frequent-sites-of-missed-findings-in-the-multiplanar-era/)
- Family history of hemochromatosis – can be related to NAFLD, perhaps the NAFLD leads to it? Good thing blood donation is a useful way to control it.
- Family history of diabetes, which stems from insulin resistance – which is also linked to NAFLD.
I was asked by a doctor once how I’ve been able to self diagnose things like my Ehlers-Danlos, and this is an example of how – the above article mentioned “liver in the arterial phase” and I wasn’t sure what that was.
I looked it up and came across a reference to Budd-Chiari Syndrome, so I looked that up: https://rarediseases.org/rare-diseases/budd-chiari-syndrome/ – because EDS is associated with Chiari formation so I was curious.
So some degree of this ability is due to my search for connections, my choice of search terms and ability to speed read and make good choices of which links to skim.
And holey-moley does the web of information connect!