Wait, do you think humans aren’t animals? We certainly aren’t minerals or plants…..
I think if we weren’t an especially fancy type of animal, then animal studies and models would be worthless.
Humanity – I think the definition of the word explains things fairly well. I would say that the state of being human requires us to be benevolent – caring of others. And to care for others we need to understand and care for ourselves. Culture is a system that humans construct collaboratively to help us remain human, instead of devolving into mindless reactivity.
human beings collectively
Powered by Ecosia – Oxford Languages
the state of being human
the quality of being humane; benevolence
learning concerned with human culture, especially literature, history, art, music, and philosophy
When we are not paying attention and acting intentionally/deliberately from a place of self-regulation, then the amygdala and automatic processes are in control. If you don’t like the results, you need to update your processes.
This research showed how all temperament types responded to the stimuli the same way, but different temperaments move through the responses at different times. He commented “that the most basic inherited difference … was how soon they reached this shutdown point and that the quick-to-shut-down have a fundamentally different type of nervous system.”[27]
He is known in some fields primarily for his work in classical conditioning.
Ivan Pavlov – Wikipedia
So, ND/HSPs have a fundamentally different type of nervous system (including the brain) is what I would take away from this.
Also, if you have an issue with “Pavlovian Training” and consider it being treated like a dog…. you are choosing for yourself an interpretation that is only going to make your life harder and more painful.
Another name for it is classical conditioning, which is a behavioral procedure in which a potent stimulus is paired with a previously neutral stimulus.
It is used for things like ADHD treatment and in life hacks like Atomic Habits by James Clear who describes it like this: “All habits proceed through four stages in the same order: cue, craving, response, and reward.”
“It is easier to prevent bad habits than to break them.” ~ Benjamin Franklin
“When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but creatures of emotion.” ~ Dale Carnegie, author of How to Win Friends and Influence People
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” ~ Will Durant
“Change is not popular; we are creatures of habit as human beings. ‘I want it to be the way it was.’ But if you continue the way it was there will be no ‘is.'” ~ Robin Williams
“Man is largely a creature of habit, and many of his activities are more or less automatic reflexes from the stimuli of his environment.” ~ G. Stanley Hall
“We are all creatures of habit. We can do most things without even thinking about them; our bodies take charge and do them for us.” ~ Earl Nightingale
“It is hard to let old beliefs go. They are familiar. We are comfortable with them and have spent years building systems and developing habits that depend on them. Like a man who has worn eyeglasses so long that he forgets he has them on, we forget that the world looks to us the way it does because we have become used to seeing it that way through a particular set of lenses. Today, however, we need new lenses. And we need to throw the old ones away.” ~ Kenichi Ohmae
“I’m a creature of habit and I like to stay in my own little comfort zone, but you have to reach out of that sometimes. And when you do that, you grow.” ~ LaToya Jackson
TOP 25 CREATURES OF HABIT QUOTES | A-Z Quotes (azquotes.com)
The shaping of character mimics the smallest detail of habit; humans are creatures that learn from observation. Each little thing you do, and each thing you allow yourself to become desensitized to matters. They create you – whether you know it consciously or not. — Grace Sara
Quote by Grace Sara: “The shaping of character mimics the smallest de…” (goodreads.com)