Waking up

  • Wake up at a regular time
    • use music and light that both gradually increase.
    • 7am seems to be my sweet spot. I also often wake at 4 or 5 which is ok too. If I get sleepy again I can nap until 7.
      • Task: set up Google routine for smart speaker and lights
        • I want to move my playlists so that google assistant can find them
        • I want to change my nickname on YouTube – try some alternatives
      • Find a song about self care or being intentional to start the playlist: https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC69TIik3wTHPF8CQ9Q8HNvTIwdirGBDd&feature=share
        • Task: set up or get wireless noise cancelling headphones to listen to playlist and assist with focus until medication kicks in and intention is set