Trying to relax.

Dance class was fun last night, still crowded, but we’re doing east coast swing which is really fun, and foxtrot which is nice.

I managed to fight off a panic attack last night & this morning. I have an appointment on Tuesday to talk to a lawyer (thank goodness for legal insurance!), so I just have to keep my mind off things till then. And in that vein….

This is really cute, but would probably be really annoying to wear.

Paring away…

… at expenses. Signed up for $5 off my internet access, and put my Netflix account on hold. Just a few more things to do around the house to make it more energy efficient.

Speaking of efficiency… to all those who call me “lazy” for chosing not to waste my time/energy on something I deem unimportant, my response is:

I’m Energy Efficient!

I looooooove the edge pieces of lasagna, so this would inspire me to make my own rather than buy the Stouffer’s: Baker’s Edge Pan.

Khalua the Prima-Donna!

So Khalua was sleeping on my pirate looking way cute, so I started taking pictures of her. During that she woke up. Then I started taking pictures of Mocha sleeping on my lap…. only Khalua crawled over and shoved herself between Mocha and the camera! I know she thinks she’s the queen, but I didn’t realize she was a camera hog too.

Also, if I ever move somewhere that it frosts a lot, this is a spiffy looking ice/dew scraper!

ice scraper

Today’s Stuff of the Moment

Too bad this place doesn’t ship here:

  • sofa 1Alabama Sofa – This is the kind of sofa I think is most comfy – rounded arms and loose pillows you can arrange however
  • sofa 2Granada Sofa – I like how this looks, though it’s not what I’d want for myself.
  • tableValentino Oak Table – Love the table, hate the chairs.
  • rugDash Rug – Why are nice rugs like this so hard to find?

More pretties!

This stuff supposedly works great for pet hair too: Gal Pal Garment Deodorant Remover

Felt is the new fabric of the moment it seems. Here’s “How to Make Felt Doors” (from apartment therapy).


Only this past year did we get around to building our own felt doors, and we love them. They slide easily, baffle sound and take up no room.

The toughest part was finding the right felt. It turns out that to get good felt you have to go to industrial suppliers who sell this stuff for aircraft engine mounts and other heavy vibration situations. Here’s what we ended up with.

• 1/2 inch white wool felt from Sutherland Felt Company @ $75 a yard
• Hospital track, endcaps and rolling hooks from
• Thick brown leather from a place on Bleecker Street that charged me too much
• White spray paint
• Silicone spray

Other felt suppliers:
Southeastern Felt
Central Shippee
Aetna Felt

• eXacto knife
• Drill with 1/4 drill bit


1. Measure your doorway and order your felt large enough for both panels to more than cover the opening both side to side and up and down. It comes 72″ wide so you are in the best shape if you only have to buy one length and have them cut it down the middle for two 3′ wide pieces.

2. Order your hospital track to all felt door to slide out to the side in both directions. It only comes in silver, but don’t worry, you can paint it.

3. Mount your track on the ceiling and as tight to the door as possible so that the felt will hug the opening.

4. Insert end caps and rolling hooks. Spray with silicone to ease movement.

5. Masking off area around track, spray with white paint to blend in with ceiling.

6. Hold up felt and measure to fit.

7. Trim felt down with eXacto knife.

8. Using 1/4″ drill bit, drill holes in top of felt about 1″ down and 3″ apart. Also drill holes for leather handles as well.

9. Stitch leather handle on with leather thong.

10. Hang felt from hooks.

If desired (We haven’t done it yet, but plan to) you can use extra felt to attach at the top and hide the hooks that are poking out. We would stitch it together in the same way as the handles.


Moody & Tired

PMS week + stressing about money = moody & tired. So I haven’t done much of anything this week. Though I did have dinner at Mana last night with my pirate. And Sunday I saw TC to pick up brownies and watched her play some Animal Crossing.

Drool-worthy stuff that inspired me to blog:

Life and Death

Of a tamogatchi. I got it December 30 and started playing with it. By January 5th it had developed a body and looked like an alien. On the 8th it “got laid and spawned” as I told my pirate. Sadly, I think it gave birth too young and it and the baby died sometime during the night of the 9th and was found dead the morning of the 10th. I actually think it’s cuter dead… and makes a handy watch! No more beeping at me and annoying me anymore either!


Interesting and/or Weird:


bunny pillowPink bunny eye pillow! But it has lavendar… yuck! (Oops! Found out I already have a similar one when I was unpacking more boxes!)

Walking TurtlesTurtle toys!!!! Soooo cute! I want one of each color! Or maybe just blue…

I’m into leather cuffs too. There are two nice ones:
leather cuff 1Thin Leather Cuff: in black with blue thread.
leather cuff 2Perfect Leather Cuff: in black

Top Ten things I WANT:

  1. Airport Extreme Basestation
  2. Singer sewing machine
  3. Mac Pro w/30″ screen
  4. A new dishwasher
  5. A new oven
  6. The titanium quartz crystal (about $10k) at the crystal shop up by dad
  7. Nabaztag
  8. All the Windstone Editions I’m missing.
  9. A set of custom cowboy boots in various styles/colors
  10. Samsonite Sammies Funny Face Penguin luggage

Top Ten Things I want to DO:

  1. Get out of debt!
  2. Take private dance lessons/more dance classes
  3. Go out dancing more
  4. Landscape my yard
  5. Remodel my kitchen
  6. Go back to Japan
  7. See more of the U.S.
  8. Do more arts & crafts
  9. Learn to scuba dive
  10. Have time/money to get a pet bird

Webby stuffs

So this is way cool:
Flying BedFlying bed. Too bad it’s too pricey to get that instead of a loft bed/desk combo from IKEA.

I still need a new base station and they just came out with a new one: “Print or access a shared hard drive — wirelessly.” is coolness.

Cool home tech at:

I think I’ve linked this lamp before, but it’s just so pretty!

I really liked this counter height Ashby dining table set I saw at a furniture store next to the place my pirate and I had lunch on Saturday. It was this set in black and came with leaves to expand it. This expanding counter height set and this normal height one are nice too. I’d love the black iron scroll with wood if I could find it in the birch color to match the rest of my stuff.

table 1table 2