Song snippets

These were in my head after choir last night, so I tried something new. I sang them into my recorder last night instead of journally and wrote them up today.

-indicates the title


When you have a thought

That you just don’t want

And even your dreams it tries to haunt

Just gotta know

to let it go

It’s rumination, yeah let it go

It’s just a thought, it doesn’t have to be

hanging around, cluttering up me

Go away

Hear me say

I don’t want to think you anymore today

-Jot it down

When you have a thought, can’t let it go

Write it down and it will go

jot it out

just put it down

Put some weight down in the ground

Ground yourself

and you will see

That you will start to feel free

Just put it down and let it go

-Stuck Thoughts

Got a thought running through my head

worrying about the thing I said

don’t know why I can’t let it go

Ruminating, oh no

So when it’s time to put it down

Get some paper and write it down

Just jot it down, type it up

Draw it out, you know what?

Find a way to set it free

and let it go away from thee/me

-It’s Just a Thought

It’s just a thought

Reality is what it’s not

Just a thought

I can let go

Or make it real if I want it so

Just a thought

Just a thought

That’s all it is

It’s just a thought

Reality is what it’s not


What do I feel?

I don’t know how to make it real

Somehow disconnected

Don’t know what

-Gotta Reconnect

When I’m feeling so disconnected

I just gotta reconnect

Gotta think about what the heck my body needs

My body wants

What sensation my body haunts

That’s all I gotta find out

Got reconnect without a doubt

Gotta reconnect, gotta reconnect

Yeah just gotta reconnect

Checking in

Head and neck

Shoulders and chest and back and thighs

Knees and elbows and ankles

Take a big, big sigh

Send it through, up and back

Figure out what your body needs

Checking in just to see

Do I need a drink? Do I need to eat?

Do I need to pee or take a nap?

Do I wanna hug or just to cry?

All I gotta do is just sigh.

<big breath in, sigh it out>

-Pain Song

Hello pain my old friend

I see you’re back again

What are you trying to tell me?

Practicing listening, you’ll see

Do I need a rest?

Do I need to eat?

Do I need something to feel complete?

Hello pain, listening

Tell me your story

I’ll hear you sing

Sing your song

Sung through me

Hello pain


-Finding a Way Past Fear

My pain tells me

who to charm

It tries to keep me safe from harm

Fight, flight, freeze and fawn

Pain helps me know which one

I gotta use to defend myself

cause I can’t rely on anybody else

wait, oh no

don’t think that’s right

I don’t think I’m alone this night

Not the only one here

Not the only one to hide in fear

We’re not alone

Just gotta breathe

Remember that we are a we

Someone else is out there too

Feeling the same way as you

Just gotta hang on

Hold on tight

Eventually it’ll turn out right

If you just keep looking

and searching on

Reaching out

For that helping arm

holding out the helping hand

that is what

is in the plan

Just gotta search and reach it out

grasp that hand so they’ll pull you out

of the stark pit that’s full of fear

and pain and sorrow and not much cheer

You just gotta go

Keep on

eventually, it’ll come

-Titrate Your Pain

You got to titrate your pain

When you’re caught in the rain

And you just don’t know when

you’ll feel pleasure again

Just let it come out, bit by bit

Just enough so you’re not overwhelmed by it.

That’s what it takes to let it go

To let your tears safely flow

Just gotta titrate it out

Bit by bit

That’s how you can let go of it

-I’ll Be Alright

Gotta be free

Gotta move on

Gotta let it

Out in a song

Gotta let go

Gotta just know

I’ll be all right

If I say so

I’ll be all right

Yes, I’ll be all right

Because I say so

I’ll be all right

-Ask For Help

Ask for help

People don’t know that it’s hard for me

To ask for help

No one can read your mind

So ask for help

It’s okay to let people know

You need some help

So just ask for help

That’s how you help yourself

Ehlers Danlos & Neurodiversity Research

I’m so excited, a friend of a friend just shared all this:

Dr. Eccles specific research areas are Neuroscience, Psychiatric and neurodevelopmental features of connective tissue disorders, Mechanisms of chronic pain and fatigue.

The quickest way to see a summary of all her 67 published medical research with active links to each is here:

Some titles of pubs just within the last 2 years:

  • Towards a Neurodiversity-Affirmative Approach for an Over-Represented and Under-Recognised Population: Autistic Adults in Outpatient Psychiatry
  • Joint Hypermobility Links Neurodivergence to Dysautonomia and Pain
  • Variant connective tissue (joint hypermobility) and dysautonomia are associated with multimorbidity at the intersection between physical and psychological health
  • Connecting brain and body: Transdiagnostic relevance of connective tissue variants to neuropsychiatric symptom expression

You Tube Videos:

Are you impatient, or is it anxiety?

So I started taking anxiety meds not because I thought I needed them (because anxiety is a lying turd), but because I was willing to try anything to help with occasionally yelling at my kiddo. I knew that no matter how “necessary” it felt, it was still also harmful.

Holy beans but was I anxious!!!! And until I went on the meds I couldn’t tell. I magically (pharmaceutically) had so much patience!


Since I lost it once and have to redo it and am including resources, may as well share here:

My Pronounsthey/she

My Concerns: ADHDAnxietyASDClimate changeCollaborative & Connected Parenting, EDS (with POTS & Raynaud’s), Homeschooling (Unschool-ish, SEL focus), Hyperlexia, Sustainability (Search with Ecosia)
Join me in forming good habits with Habitica!

Embrace diversity with curiosity!


Too many people are letting anxiety make decisions for them. Approximately 1 in 4 Americans will have an anxiety disorder in their lifetime, and still more experience clinically significant anxiety symptoms that lead them to turn down opportunities and undermine their own potential. Even for those who do not struggle with clinical levels of anxiety, the messages about fear and anxiety in our society are not healthy ones. Long before coronavirus, the repeated message has been that the world is a dangerous place and we are vulnerable.  And more than that, we are fragile and can’t handle feelings of anxiety.

We need to change this narrative and embrace anxiety as the signal that a challenge lies ahead. We can shift the thinking pattern that screams in our heads that the situation portends a threat we cannot manage to a quieter voice that empowers us to handle a challenge, and recognize that we can get back up even when something doesn’t go well. It is time to develop a new mantra: Anxiety is uncomfortable but not dangerous. Anxiety can be tolerated so we don’t need to escape or avoid situations that make us anxious when no objective danger is present.


Climate Change

Neurodiversity Advocacy

Here are some great advocates with amazing communities – though some of them may not recognize that being an advocate for Neurodiversity is what they are doing. Just by being their authentic selves, being neurodivergent (again even if not recognized), and welcoming others to share their diversity of experiences, they are showing that diversity is not only ok, it is beautiful, incredible and resilient.