Preferred order but not required:
Mouthwash – swish for 30 to 60 seconds, then spit into sink
Floss (gets mouthwash between teeth)
Rinse and put away flosser
- Wet brush
- Apply toothpaste if using (optional – the friction of the bristles is enough)
- Divide mouth into quadrants, spend at least 30 seconds brushing each one
- Either upper right, upper left, lower right, lower left
- Or right outsides (teeth together), left outsides (teeth together), top insides, bottom insides
Test for clean teeth using your tongue, especially both sides (inside/outside) of all four back molars. Get any spots that aren’t clean/don’t feel smooth.
If you can’t reach the back molars, look into tongue tie.
Rinse and put away toothbrush.
Clean tongue (use toothbrush or scrape with spoon, no special tongue scraper needed).
Clean tonsils if required (I use the spoon handle).
Spit as needed.
Spitting is why we brush and floss in or near the bathroom. If you live alone the kitchen sink works too. If you don’t live alone then you need to coordinate with those you live with to see if they’re ok with you brushing and flossing outside the bathroom.
Why brush & floss: