Auditory processing difficulties might require lip reading instead of eye contact.
- I saw a study tracking eye movement while watching movies that found that autistic subjects tended to watch mouths instead of eyes (to link)
- I have family members that lip read to assist with auditory processing
- most of my family turns subtitles on for anything that has the option – which is a lot more now than it used to be
- I have trouble processing audio on a phone call, less so if I’m familiar with the voice
- another family member recognizes people by voice instead of face, I tend to recognize silhouette and gait – not sure if that counts a face blindness? I think I recognize faces in photos, but it’s hard to determine if that’s based on knowledge/memorization of the photo/deductive reasoning or actual recognition
- ADHD plus sensitive hearing means I have a hard time or find it impossible to tune out other conversations – I can often track up to three conversations (though not participate in) but beyond that I suddenly can’t understand anyone
- I really really really dislike being in restaurants except for ones that have high back booths that block the surrounding sound
- the hum of fluorescent lights is horrible
- I hate vacuuming – not because of the volume, but because of the tiny changes that sound like something is or is about to go wrong with the motor