
Intention is what we call the output of the decision process.

There are two possible outputs:

The process succeeds and the intended result is achieved.

The process failed and an unexpected result is returned.

How do we know when an unexpected result is returned?

We feel the emotion of surprise.

intend – Wiktionary

Dec 19 2022 Log:

Course of action that a person intends. – That seems recursive… What does intend mean?

System Logging

When making choices:

  • Have I made this choice before?
  • Yes – Is there a system telling me what to do?
    • Yes – Do I remember it?
      • Yes – Do it
      • No – Log that the system needs improvement
        • System logging system
          • Document the system failure
            • Memory is unreliable – repeat externally (spoken, sung, signed) until documentation is complete
            • Is this update urgent?
              • Yes – log to Habitica (process exists to handle from there)
              • No – write it down as quickly as possible and return to prior process – this is leaving a breadcrumb to improve the system
            • Documentation ideal is to WordPress (to Habitica Tasks – link in )
    • No
  • No

Yes: do I remember the system? Yes? Do the system. No? Document need to refine system.


Observations – grimy sensation on skin or body
Hypothesis – this is a quiet ask for attention or care
Experiment – take a bath or shower
Observe results:


  • Step 1 – notice the body asking
  • Step 2 – check the schedule or with someone who knows it
  • Step 3 – decide which task is more important & urgent #IaU


How do I get people to take my advice?

First I have a question – how do YOU feel when someone gives you unsolicited advice?

  • Patronized? (Mansplained)
  • Condescended to?
  • Defensive?
  • Criticized?
  • Angry?
  • Annoyed or irritated?
  • Appreciative?
  • Grateful?

If it’s more like the first ones and not the last two, why would someone else feel differently?

What would happen if instead you asked if they were open to you sharing ideas or your experience?

What if you respected if they weren’t ready to hear it, but at least they know you’re available if they want it?

What if you asked them what they think they need or what they want, and why they want it? Could you ask leading questions so they could figure things out on their own?

What would happen if you took your own advice first? What would it look like to be the change you want to see?

What are you missing if people aren’t listening to you? Are you not connecting first? Are you regulated? Are they?

Cassandra from Greek Mythology embodies the anguish of seeing the future and not being able to do anything about it. But it’s a misleading tale – we can do something about it, but not the thing that is easy for us – telling others.

We have to do the hard work of helping them see for themselves, or the even harder work of connecting with others so strongly that they trust us to be looking out for their best interests as well.

helped someone else like I was

I think the start of things for me was looking into the Fragile X research being done at UC Davis and stumbling across a blog post that mentioned both Fragile X and Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome.

I searched Ehlers-Danlos to find out what that was…. and it was as transformative to my life and discovering Elain Aron’s work on Highly Sensitive Persons (HSPs).

I post so that someone else might be helped the way I was to pay it forward.