Mantras, Affirmations, Quips and Koans

Jan 14, 2023

Drive-by is not a method to live by. Do a task well or not at all.

Jan 12, 2023

If you aren’t failing, you aren’t learning – try harder.

The road to success is paved with past failures.

Failure is just a new data point.

Mistakes are only wasted time if you don’t learn from them.

Sometimes you have to make a mistake 2 or 3 times to make sure it wasn’t a fluke.

Self care accountability – the only way to teach it is to model it.

Spend time to save time.

Invest up front for savings down the road.


Slow and steady wins the race.

Rome wasn’t built in a day.

Fall down 7 times, get up 8

8 sideways is infinity

Just keep swimming.

Self-care can increase your willpower, and you can set up systems to reduce the need to use willpower.

Everything has at least 3 steps:
Wrap up

Either track total time elapsed or estimate time and multiply by 3. For example a “5 minute” task needs a 15 minute window.

My morning dental care routine can take between 10 to 40 minutes depending on how focused I’m able to be.

Connection is the Cure

We feel lonely when we are disconnected.

Never worry alone.
If you are worrying, find someone to talk to so you can reality/fact check your worries and put them in perspective.

  • H.A.L.T.
    • Hungry
    • Angry
    • Lonely
    • Tired

Dec 5 2022:

To speed up, slow down.

Start as you intend to continue.

We are all made of stars.

To love others – I must love myself.

Practice kindness/compassion (it’s a skill, not a trait).

Success is built on a foundation of failure.

If you haven’t failed, you aren’t trying hard enough.

The only time something is a waste is if you don’t learn from it.

Better the food go to waste than it go to my waist.

Should is a social construct. It’s not real. Either we need or we want. Find the need or the want behind the “should” to transform it into a “could” or a “would”

The only thing that matters is connection.

Self-care requires being connected to ourselves.

We’re all part of the system – if we aren’t connected to ourselves, we aren’t connected to the system.

We all have intrinsic value as part of the system, no matter what other impact we may have had.

You don’t have to do something to be worthy. You do have to do something to connect.

You can’t do it alone.

The biggest and strongest will fall to the many coordinated small.