
Accepting that toxic love is not love to hold onto is where I found relief from pain.

It acceptance feels like being bathed in balm, so peaceful and calm and serene to no longer be clinging tight to pain. Letting go is terrifying, but the freefall of freedom and uncertainty can also feel like flying with the wind brushing past you.

Buddhism books:

ACT – Acceptance & Commitment Therapy:

The Serenity Prayer:

Do My Dailies

Daily schedule, routine, rhythm, agenda, care tasks – call it what you will.

Slow Down to Speed Up

Do each thing completely and well.

To focus, find the gratitude, and remember the reason – connection and care.

Connect with yourself to know how to care for yourself. Connect with your environment to care for it – it’s your habitat and caring for it is caring for yourself. Your body, the place you are right now, your home, your neighborhood, city, county, state, country, continent, your planet.

Start from the center and work outward. From the seed grows the tree, and its full reach is unseen.

Documentation is key. If you don’t have time to write it down….you’re doing too much. So I’m documenting.

  • Wake up
  • Take medication (should be in waist pouch from night before)
  • Dental care either time based (every 12 hours) or cue based (after morning bathroom break)
  • Any other required self care
  • Care for infants or pets next as they cannot do so for themselves (for me that’s cats)
    • medication
    • water
    • food
    • litter
    • grooming
  • Document anything that no checklist exists for yet.