These were in my head after choir last night, so I tried something new. I sang them into my recorder last night instead of journally and wrote them up today.
-indicates the title
When you have a thought
That you just don’t want
And even your dreams it tries to haunt
Just gotta know
to let it go
It’s rumination, yeah let it go
It’s just a thought, it doesn’t have to be
hanging around, cluttering up me
Go away
Hear me say
I don’t want to think you anymore today
-Jot it down
When you have a thought, can’t let it go
Write it down and it will go
jot it out
just put it down
Put some weight down in the ground
Ground yourself
and you will see
That you will start to feel free
Just put it down and let it go
-Stuck Thoughts
Got a thought running through my head
worrying about the thing I said
don’t know why I can’t let it go
Ruminating, oh no
So when it’s time to put it down
Get some paper and write it down
Just jot it down, type it up
Draw it out, you know what?
Find a way to set it free
and let it go away from thee/me
-It’s Just a Thought
It’s just a thought
Reality is what it’s not
Just a thought
I can let go
Or make it real if I want it so
Just a thought
Just a thought
That’s all it is
It’s just a thought
Reality is what it’s not
What do I feel?
I don’t know how to make it real
Somehow disconnected
Don’t know what
-Gotta Reconnect
When I’m feeling so disconnected
I just gotta reconnect
Gotta think about what the heck my body needs
My body wants
What sensation my body haunts
That’s all I gotta find out
Got reconnect without a doubt
Gotta reconnect, gotta reconnect
Yeah just gotta reconnect
Checking in
Head and neck
Shoulders and chest and back and thighs
Knees and elbows and ankles
Take a big, big sigh
Send it through, up and back
Figure out what your body needs
Checking in just to see
Do I need a drink? Do I need to eat?
Do I need to pee or take a nap?
Do I wanna hug or just to cry?
All I gotta do is just sigh.
<big breath in, sigh it out>
-Pain Song
Hello pain my old friend
I see you’re back again
What are you trying to tell me?
Practicing listening, you’ll see
Do I need a rest?
Do I need to eat?
Do I need something to feel complete?
Hello pain, listening
Tell me your story
I’ll hear you sing
Sing your song
Sung through me
Hello pain
-Finding a Way Past Fear
My pain tells me
who to charm
It tries to keep me safe from harm
Fight, flight, freeze and fawn
Pain helps me know which one
I gotta use to defend myself
cause I can’t rely on anybody else
wait, oh no
don’t think that’s right
I don’t think I’m alone this night
Not the only one here
Not the only one to hide in fear
We’re not alone
Just gotta breathe
Remember that we are a we
Someone else is out there too
Feeling the same way as you
Just gotta hang on
Hold on tight
Eventually it’ll turn out right
If you just keep looking
and searching on
Reaching out
For that helping arm
holding out the helping hand
that is what
is in the plan
Just gotta search and reach it out
grasp that hand so they’ll pull you out
of the stark pit that’s full of fear
and pain and sorrow and not much cheer
You just gotta go
Keep on
eventually, it’ll come
-Titrate Your Pain
You got to titrate your pain
When you’re caught in the rain
And you just don’t know when
you’ll feel pleasure again
Just let it come out, bit by bit
Just enough so you’re not overwhelmed by it.
That’s what it takes to let it go
To let your tears safely flow
Just gotta titrate it out
Bit by bit
That’s how you can let go of it
-I’ll Be Alright
Gotta be free
Gotta move on
Gotta let it
Out in a song
Gotta let go
Gotta just know
I’ll be all right
If I say so
I’ll be all right
Yes, I’ll be all right
Because I say so
I’ll be all right
-Ask For Help
Ask for help
People don’t know that it’s hard for me
To ask for help
No one can read your mind
So ask for help
It’s okay to let people know
You need some help
So just ask for help
That’s how you help yourself